The communication process with the influencer, with a view to a future collaboration, is a key element. In order for the object of the contract to be successfully fulfilled and the objectives to be achieved, it is necessary that it responds to your requests in a timely manner. 9. Audience quality Carefully analyze whether the community the influencer has managed to create is real, with proactive followers; some aspects to take into account: the number of followers is far too high compared to the quality level of the posts; rarely posts, but follower engagement is very high; the number of followers is less than the number of accounts the influencer follows; the accounts on social networks were created recently, but the number of followers is impressive.
Comments on posts are repetitive and generic; the number of video views is much less than the number of followers. How to find influencers in Romania In recent years, Romanian companies have regularly adopted the influencer marketing strategy. There are many Hong Kong Phone Number Data content creators who manage to achieve the goals proposed by the partner company, precisely because of the seriousness with which they treat the work they submit online. However, where do we find the influencers? Call an influencer marketing agency There are two categories of influencers: those who manage their collaborations themselves and those who are managed by an agency.

If you want the process to be fast, contact influencer marketing agencies; they will provide you with all the information you need. Call a PR agency The concepts of influencer marketing and PR are interconnected. PR agencies will help you with the implementation of the strategy; a detailed discussion about your company and the goals you want to achieve is required, and you will then receive some strategy proposals, which will also include possible partnerships with influencers. Follow hashtags relevant to your brand Identify potential influencers relevant to your online campaign by searching for relevant hashtags; there are online platforms that will give you detailed information about those using those hashtags. TOP influencers from Romania Info source: What to include in a contract with an influencer.