Consequently, despite the quality of your site and the relevance of the keywords, you will have difficulty obtaining good visibility in search results . Therefore, this is the first influence of web hosting on SEO. Server Location The location of the hosting server can also impact search engine optimization . If we take the example of Google, this internet search giant takes the location of sites into account to offer more appropriate results to Internet users. Therefore, if for example, you have a store in France while your site is hosted in the United States, you risk not reaching the French public . Google will think that your target audience.
Are Americans and will give you better visibility in the United States rather than France. However, in the content WhatsApp Number List of your site to know your target. The location of the hosting server may therefore not influence your SEO, but it is best not to take this risk and host your site as close to your location as possible . In this case, before subscribing to a web host, make sure that they have servers close to your target audience . READ ALSO How to improve your.

SEO with optimized translations Google can also estimate your target based on your site extension . If your site is signed .fr or .be, Google will know that you are targeting French or Belgian people. On the other hand, if your extension is in the forms .com, .org, .xyz, etc., search engines will have difficulty knowing your target . So make sure that your host offers the extension you need . Bandwidth speed It is obvious that the speed of change of your site will have an impact on search results.