By using ``listening'' techniques, the person you are interacting with feels ``being heard,'' which increases psychological safety. By increasing psychological safety, you will be able to hear the other person's opinions, background, background, etc. in detail, which will lead to problem-solving and proposals. Advantage 2: Being able to bring out the true feelings of the person you are talking to is proof that you have built a relationship of trust. Listening intently and empathizing with someone is the first step in bringing out the other person's true feelings, and is an important point in drawing out a deeper story.
As a result, you will be able to build good relationships at work and in your daily life. Steps to “listen” ``Listening'' is just a conversation technique. However, learning listening techniques does not necessarily mean that communication will be smooth. By first training Special Data with an awareness of facing the other person, you can use it effectively in business situations. Here are three steps to "listening." We have prepared some examples, so let's think about them together as we read along. Step 1. Imagine the other person's situation When listening, it is essential to understand the other person. By observing the other person's situation in advance and understanding their current situation, you can use "listening" techniques more effectively.

For example, in a business setting, prior research is important when making a call to a prospective customer. The way you start a conversation is different depending on whether you have researched the information beforehand or not. It is rare for a conversation to proceed so smoothly, but compared to starting a conversation without knowing prior information, you will be able to proceed with the conversation based on a certain level of hypothesis, which will allow you to lead the conversation smoothly.