Among the EU countries (member states that will join the EU later this year), we have the best starting conditions. Thanks to the activities of the Czech National Semiconductor Cluster, links have also been established with European structures that unite companies and research organizations in the field, which facilitate the search for consortium partners in other EU member states. Regarding the Chips Act, there is talk about the so-called spillover effects. This means that large countries such as.
Germany will receive important projects or factories, which will benefit smaller Italy WhatsApp Number List countries. The Czech Republic is usually supplied by Electron Microscopes. Are spillover effects real to us, or is it wishful thinking? If large Member States (Germany, France and Italy) subsidize EU factory construction, other Member States will also benefit from reducing the risks distribution of factories. Today, many chip factories are in Taiwan.
The next step in the manufacturing process, encapsulation (the final manufacturing step, editor's note), is primarily done in Southeast Asia and China. It is well known that China has ambitions to control Taiwan, including through military means. International shipping also has its bottlenecks. For example, the South China Sea, which China claims sovereignty over, although this claim has no basis in international law; the Bab el-Mandeb Strait at the entrance to the Red Sea.