On the other hand, if you take the time to learn Web Analytics, everything will become 10x easier.To master the Web Analytics strategy, you need a Web Analytics tool like Google Analytics, which you need to know how it works.So, how does Google Analytics work?How Web Analytics tools like Google Analytics work can be summarized in three basic steps:1. DATA COLLECTIONTo use Google Analytics, a tracking code on their site analytics strategyThis code collects visitor interactions that occur on the site such as pages visited, clicks on certain page elements, or even purchase transactions.
An important element of a tracking code is being able to distinguish o Malaysia WhatsApp Number List sitor from another. For example, whether two pages were visited by one user or by different ones.To do this, the tracking code stores a small snippet of code, called a “cookie”, in each of your visitors' browsers (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)You can think of these cookies as name tags that have an anonymous but unique name in them and are associated with a specific browser.2. DATA TRANSMISSIONNext, the tracking code sends the interaction data along with the information it has about the user to Google Analytics.
DATA PROCESSINGFinally, Google Analytics takes all the data received, calculates metrics, and presents the data in the form of reports.This report is what you see when you log in to your Google Analytics account analytics strategyUnderstand AABC AnalyticsWhen you first open Google Analytics, it may be difficult for you to understand all the reports and metrics presented.Luckily, these reports are organized into helpful groups:A – Audience/ViewersA – AcquisitionB – BehaviorC – ConversionThe AABC group maps metrics and reports to make it easy to analyze the performance of your digital marketing funnel.