Titcoin reference implementation, and bitcoin white paper. He they is also responsible for implementing a peer-to-peer network to prevent double spending with digital currencies.Source:WikipediaTravis Kalanick – born in Los Angeles, California in . A successful businessman that co-founded Uber, Red Swoosh, and Scour. He is also the former Chief Executive Officer of Uber. Due to the scandal that made him quit Uber, Kalanick also sold most of his shares at Uber. He is one of the richest people in the world.Source:WikipediaGarrett Camp – born in Calgary, Alberta in . A product designed and internet entrepreneur.
He is best known as one of the co-founders of Uber, and he is also a board member of the India Mobile Database company. Apart from that, he founded many other successful companies, including StumbleUpon and Expa.Source:WikipediaTechnologies & companiesBitcoin – the first ever cryptocurrency released in as on open-source software implementation. Created by Satoshi Nakamoto which is a group of anonymous developers. It doesn’t have any administrators and is completely decentralized. Network nodes verify transactions and there is no need for intermediaries since there is a peer-to-peer network.Source:

WikipediaGoogle voice – a telephone service created by Google in after acquiring GrandCentral. It offers text messaging, voice messaging, voicemail, and call forwarding. It was one of the first commercially popular Voice over Internet Protocol phone services. It works strictly over the internet, giving more flexibility to users.Source:Tom’s GuideWhatsApp – a messenger platform that combines several .