Collecting the consent of Internet users affected by these cookies means in concrete terms that they must be able to accept or refuse. Please note, accepting the general conditions of use (CGU) does not constitute acceptance of cookies. To better understand, here are the characters that the consent of a user of your website must take: prior : consent must be given before cookies are placed and given again for each different cookie. real :
The acceptance request must be easy to use. not definitive : the user must Anhui Mobile Number List be able to withdraw their consent at any time, even if they have already accepted it previously. unambiguous and informed : the information you transmit to the user must be understandable and complete. What the GDPR says about collecting personal data on your website Because the protection of the privacy of every citizen is the priority, you cannot collect and use the information you hold on Internet users as you wish. Whether it is a contact form.

newsletter subscription or delivery information, the private information of your Internet users is protected and certain rules must be respected to comply with the GDPR. To put it simply, remember that the protection is twofold and relates to the information on the one hand, and to the confidentiality policy on the other: the information given must be short and not contain any additional information; a reference to the confidentiality policy must be accessible to the Internet user who can then read it and become aware of your compliance with the GDPR, particularly in terms of transparency.