He will do so at the Hotel Plaza in Barcelona , at a lunch organized by Barcelona Tribuna, an entity linked to the Godó Group, and which has already had among its guests the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, and the leader of the PSOE, Alfredo Pérez. Rubalcaba, among others. García-Margallo's appearance will take place only a few days after Artur Mas has sent letters to the leaders of the countries of the European Union to ask for their support in calling for a sovereignty consultation. García-Margallo has stood out among the members of the Cabinet in the task of explaining that an independent Catalonia would be left outside the EU. Furthermore, for months he has had in his possession an extensive 210-page document, the preparation of which has been coordinated by his parliamentary advisor, the diplomat Pedro Calvo-Sotelo , son of the former President of the Government, Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, and which he has sent to the Spanish embassies and consulates abroad with arguments to counteract at an international level the independence offensive of the Catalan nationalists and republicans.The independence challenge promoted by Artur Mas in Catalonia has also spread to many municipalities in the region. In 2013, a total of 227 town councils approved motions against Spanish sovereignty.
The Government Delegation has denounced a large number of city councils for violating the country's constitutional principles. The Association of Municipalities for Independence was established in September 2011 at the initiative of the mayor of Vic, Josep Phone Number List Maria Vila d'Abadal i Serra, from CiU. This platform encouraged all city councils in the region that did not feel “Spanish” to support the initiative, whose ultimate goal is to make binding all the sovereignty referendums held in Catalan localities in favor of the creation of their own State. The aforementioned body, which in the middle of last year had the support of half of the Catalan towns (439 out of a total of 947), has now prepared a report in which it includes all the motions made in the various town councils of the region in 2013 in favor of the independence of Catalonia and against Spanish laws. According to the association's data, to which El Confidencial Digital has had access , a total of 227 town councils and regional councils have promoted the so-called “fiscal sovereignty” in their municipalities. 58 municipal governments already practice “submission” to Spanish taxation, and 169 more have approved motions in favor of this practice.

The Government Delegation has denounced these practices The Association of Municipalities for Independence also has recorded the complaints that the Government Delegation in Catalonia has made in the last year against the municipalities that have carried out these practices. In total, they say from the platform, in 2013 194 municipal governments were reported . The representatives of these councils had to respond to Justice for various reasons: --75 town councils for promoting the aforementioned “fiscal insubordination.” --61 for removing the Spanish flag from the façade of the town hall houses. --42 for declaring itself “free and sovereign territory.” --15 for supporting the Association: 14 for financing it, and one for hosting an event of the organization --1 for paying with public money for buses for the independence day of 2012 The Government Delegation explains that, every time there are indications of crime in the motions approved in the municipal plenary sessions of any locality, "we request a report from the State Attorney's Office , which is the one who decides how to act in each case.