The best content produced by you should not necessarily be placed on your website, but the best place for it is where it attracts the most audience. In SEO discussions, this statement may seem a little illogical. According to the principles of SEO, all paths must end in the website. The best content and materials should be published on the website and then get backlinks for them. Why should the best content be published elsewhere? Yes, it is true, it causes a lot of traffic. But what if you are a seller of retail products (products such as clothing, food, furniture and jewelry) to customers? Many of your customers search for your products on Google.
But we must say that most of them do not search on Google. About a third of potential customers prefer to search in the stores they want this amount is divided as follows: 33% buyers of jewelry and watches, 39% buyers of furniture and household appliances, 34% buyers of clothes and 16% to 53% in other categories directly in the store of their choice. They search and have nothing to do with Google. All these users go to the stores that they have been buying from for years and look for the product they want in the search module of the site. Attracting these customers is a big challenge in marketing.

How to persuade them to buy a product? The truth about effective marketing is to be where your customers are. Therefore, business owners try to be in the path of users, and for this reason, they advertise on TV, radio, billboards and magazines. Fortunately, a large portion of your target users spend their free time on Instagram. At this time, they sit comfortably and view posts on Instagram without the intention of buying anything. Because of this, they are very vulnerable to falling into the trap of clever telemarketers. Here is the reason why you are on Instagram: 1. The power of selling products on Instagram is increasing rapidly.