IAmAaronAgius, retarget interrupted buyers with PPC ads that promote relevant content. care products, a retargeted ad could promote how-to posts about steps to achieve shiny, healthy hair. Articles may contain subtle product references, but the goal is to provide high quality, practical advice. Sending users to helpful blog posts not only drives conversions, but also helps you build long-term relationships with your customers that can lead to repeat business. Alternatively, you can retarget users who engaged with a particular blog post using PPC ads that promote contextually relevant products. Tip: Install Facebook Pixel, a small line of code, on every page of your site to track and retarget users based on how they interact with your brand. Bottom line:
Use retargeting PPC ads to promote relevant content to people who have abandoned the purchasing process. We hope you can use these PPC tips to take your content marketing efforts to the next level. Can you think of other ways to improve your content Special Database marketing using PPC Let me know in the comments. Hand-picked relevant content: Understand how your content influences buyers: A primer on attribution models Want a free way to learn the latest trends and tips on content marketing Subscribe now to CMI's daily or weekly digest newsletter. Cover image by Joseph KalinowskiContent Marketing Institute Please note: All tools included in the blog post are suggested by the authors and not by the CMI editorial team. It is not possible to provide all relevant tools in a space in one post. Please feel free to include additional tools in the comments from your company or those you have used.Pharmaceutical Content Marketing:

How to Cure What Ails You Published: 2020-12-22 Pharmaceutical content marketingAre you having trouble communicating the benefits your business offers in terms that the government allows and consumers can relate to Have you experienced issues with public perception that hinder your ability to gain trust and foster greater support in the marketplace Do you feel constrained in your ability to creatively tell meaningful stories due to the complex and highly regulated nature of your products and processes If you often experience the symptoms described, you may be suffering from a condition called "being a pharmaceutical marketer." Thankfully, content marketing can help you address and overcome these issues. You also don't need to see your GP to get started. Complex marketing environment for pharmaceutical companies The pharmaceutical industry typically impacts modern content marketers, including the need to differentiate in a competitive market, questions about how to align results with business goals, and uncertainty about the best way to gain and maintain attention. It faces all the standard concerns given. The right targe