New Year, new calendar. As we begin January 2016 with good intentions and a great desire to make this year something special, there is nothing better than applying these marketing ideas to help restaurants attract and retain their customers.
January is the coldest month in our country, which does not particularly encourage doing too many things outside the home, so we must sharpen our wits and more than ever try to take advantage of all the special days that this month's calendar is full of. We want to share with you some reasons or excuses for your restaurant to stand out and offer something new to your customers.
Suffice it to say that it is the month of soup, hot tea, oatmeal, slow cooking, serving good food and resolving to watch your weight. It is also the month of giving thanks, of donating blood, of puzzles and of creativity. It is not WhatsApp Number Database a bad way to start the year, and we also include a calendar so that you can choose which day or days are best for you to carry out a marketing campaign in your restaurant .
On this occasion I would like to highlight the following selection of 15 actions that can be very fun. It is clear that there are many more and that it all depends on your possibilities to choose one or the other. You just need to have some imagination and the desire to experience fun moments.
For example, Monday the 4th –we are still in family holidays– is Trivial Day . How about holding a contest with your clients? Those who get the most correct answers could win a prize another day, so at least they can look again at where they are placed.
Friday the 8th is diamond-shaped day –not on TV– to wear. It would be very funny to organise an event where attendees wear diamond-shaped clothes, of course they will take photos and share them on their social networks. Another option is to hold a contest with your restaurant's hashtag and the photo that gets the most likes could win, the following day, Saturday the 9th, a balloon ride for two. It is a good prize for participating and of course an action that will generate a lot of 'noise' on social networks.
After the weekend hangover, on Wednesday 13th, there are two possible actions that could also be talked about. One is the rubber duck day and the other is the poetry day at work . Imagination is power, what do you think? I propose that anyone who shares a photo in the restaurant, either with a rubber duck or a video reciting a poem, receives a 20% discount on the price of the cover from another day.

And here comes the weekend again. Friday 15th is Hat Day . This accessory that has become fashionable again is a good excuse to run a campaign on social media. How about a dinner for two? You can set up a very simple draw, upload a personal photo with a hat on your Facebook or Twitter page, and give it a like and share. The draw will be made from among all the participants and will be notified through the networks.
Saturday 16th, International Spicy Food Day . I propose something very American, a spicy food contest. It is said, it is commented, it is rumored –according to Mexicans and Indians– that Spaniards cannot tolerate spicy food very much… so it is time to be proven wrong or to change our reputation. Nothing better than a free dinner, when the effects of the spicy food have worn off, to pluck up the courage to participate.
Tuesday 19th, day of sweet and/or salty popcorn , in its dry form like millet or kiko, ground as flour for cakes or arepas, fresh or roasted on the cob or to coat as corn flakes… What menu with these or other alternatives do you propose? I hope you leave the recipe.