SEO Squirrly is marketed to people who are not SEO experts. It lives up to this claim by offering a complete SEO suite without the complicated elements. SEO Squirrly generates SEO recommendations differently than other plugins we've already described. You start by writing the topic of your article. The desired keyword is also entered so that a series of green lights are activated in real time when you continue writing your content. It's as if you have an expert whispering in your ear while you write.
Features that make SEO Squirrly a great choice for you: Keyword optimization is done while writing the article. This is a little easier than Yoast, where you often have to save the article to see the Azerbaijan Email List suggestions and results. If you plan to replace your WordPress SEO plugin with Squirrly, it still keeps all your settings from the previous setup. There is a tool that analyzes your competitors to see how you can outperform them. Squirrly includes content reports, which you can send to other people in your organization. For example, a writer might need to know more about SEO , so you can send it to them after writing an article.

You receive weekly progress monitoring, along with a powerful widget that displays recent Tweets about your topics. This provides inspiration and ways to improve your content. 6. Broken Link Checker Broken Link Checker SEO add-ons SEO isn't just about filling your pages and posts with tons of keywords. It's also not just about making your content readable. One way to get ahead of the competition is to go back to your site to remove any broken links. When Google sees a broken link (aka a link that leads to a 404 page), they see this as a less than desirable user experience.