After all, there is nothing better than receiving praise and seeing satisfied customers, or receiving negative but constructive criticism and thus adding to your business. Always keep in mind that it is impossible to please everyone and perfection takes time, so you need to see negative comments as ways to improve your product, service or even customer service. What is Feedback? Feedback is nothing more than the return of information, that famous comment from your customer about your product or service. In other words, the customer has an experience with your restaurant and, based on this experience, generates opinions about this process. Then, through this feedback, planning and implementation of improvements in your establishment will be carried out. Customers can take several factors into consideration, from service, environment, food, in other words, whatever they find relevant to give their opinion on. There are entrepreneurs who think it is a waste of time to listen to the customer, as they do not accept negative comments and even “guesses” on how to improve their service.
However, listening to the customer is an extremely Listen to your customers – they will tell you everything about your Restaurant The customer experience must be unforgettable, as satisfied Bahamas Phone Number customers always return and the aim is to retain them. By listening to the customer, it is possible to make sure that all services and products are adequate and identify flaws that require improvement. Sharing customer feedback to all employees is necessary for the complete development of your business. Therefore, everyone must know what the customer wants to satisfy them correctly. Satisfaction surveys Often the customer is unable to express themselves, so you can ask more targeted questions about their experience at your establishment, this will help you convey the impression they had. Reviews are a good way to get customer feedback, and they are very practical.

In delivery, your customer can evaluate on the platform itself whether the order was placed, delivery time, appearance, good condition, among others. Always keep in mind that your establishment does not just sell dishes, but service, atmosphere, products, recommendations and most importantly – sensations that the experience in your restaurant is capable of providing to consumers. Even in an age where digital marketing rules, there is nothing more efficient than word of mouth from real customers. For this reason, it is extremely necessary to know what your audience has to say. Therefore, the customer's opinion has enormous weight on your establishment. We also recommend reading: The importance of responding to customer reviews. Social media Social networks are great channels for interacting and maintaining a close relationship with the public. In other words, it must always respond to customers, promote polls and debates and create actions that involve consumers.