If you want to be healthy, apples are a good choice. Eat apples to stay healthy. If you need apples, it is recommended to buy apples from the apple store."? Apart from the fact that the above text has writing errors (such as spelling mistakes), it is also written very machine-like and monotonous. Actually, maybe the contents of Wikipedia are more interesting than this article.
Also, general texts that only use adjectives such as good, useful, etc., are not practical. What do you mean by good? Does it have vitamins? What vitamins? Do not neglect the impact of numbers, statistics,Hong Kong Phone Number names and details on your audience. In the following, we will discuss some practical points in the field of writing and editing Persian texts. Avoid writing long sentences. In addition to the fact that long sentences bore your audience, they are not good for on-page SEO.

It is better that your sentences have between 20 and 25 words . It is also better that the length of the paragraphs is between three and five lines . Beware of spelling mistakes! Look up the spelling of any word you doubt. Also, be sure to re-read the article after finishing it so that there are no spelling and writing errors. Expand your vocabulary! Repetitive words will tire your audience and show the weakness of the author. The best solution to this problem is to read more.