Mar Aguilera, director of the Alares Foundation, warns of the risks to physical health posed by the "scourge" of loneliness. Go to download The Alares Foundation's “Light Up a Life” program has made more than fifteen thousand calls to older people during the pandemic. It is, says its director, Mar Aguilera, a way to combat a “scourge”, such as loneliness, “that we have been suffering from for a long time without paying enough attention.” She points out that covid-19 has only made more visible a problem that has physical consequences in the form of diseases, stress and heart disorders. Thus, she mentions that the small telephone contact through videoconferencing has allowed many older people to suffer less cognitive deterioration. He points out that the physical accompaniment programs are currently paralyzed, especially because the volunteers are young and have a greater risk of contagion: “As soon as we can resume in-person volunteering, we will resume it, but keeping the telephone, which will still be there.” People who want to avail themselves of this service can contact, free of charge, Nine out of ten consumers do not know the content of their insurance policies We spoke with Manuel Fajardo, spokesperson for Adicae, about the rights of citizens before insurance entities.
Go to download Nine out of ten policyholders of an insurance policy are unaware of the content of the different clauses, according to a study by the association of banks, savings banks and insurance companies (Adicae). Its spokesperson, Manuel Fajardo, indicates that the claims to insurance agencies are not as “media” as those filed for mortgage or preference clauses, but “there are tens of thousands that are processed each year.” Complexity of clauses He states that one of the problems with this type of product is the complexity of the clauses, which requires WhatsApp Number List that, from different instances, campaigns be promoted to disseminate the rights and basic concepts. He points out that, in addition, many times users are not aware of having signed an insurance contract, as happens when they take out a card and “they sneak in insurance that we have to pay for,” or insurance linked to a mortgage: “You have to know which insurance is mandatory and which is not.” It points out that the most common claims arise due to discrepancies in the assessment of damages or their nature. Remember that users have the obligation to report incidents to the insurer within a maximum of seven days, although this does not mean that the right to compensation or repair is lost, although rights may be lost with respect to third parties.

The Government of the Canary Islands creates the data portal with the largest number of references in Spain Marta Saavedra, general director of Transparency and Citizen Participation, highlights this step towards open government policies, "which try to facilitate public information as much as possible." Go to download The Government of the Canary Islands has launched an open data portal with more than 7,500 references, making it the largest in Spain in its category. This type of data, points out Marta Saavedra, general director of Transparency and Citizen Participation, are those that, coming from different public administrations, can be used to carry out studies or to assess different types of trends. open government In his opinion, this is an important step towards “open government” policies, a philosophy that seeks to facilitate public information “to the maximum.” To accomplish this task, Saavedra indicates, it is not only about expanding the number of data, but also about facilitating the use and access to that data, something for which different forms of searching by topics, departments, etc. have been enabled. . These data can have different types of purposes, from use in the economic sector, to determine the suitability of where to set up a business, or for different academic and social uses, such as carrying out gender studies or the fight against fake news.