So it is certainly not that you literally need a lot of words for every result or page. This purely depends on the competition that is present in Google for your desired keyword and what topic you are writing about. Start at the beginning Articles that aim to score high in on a number of points. You choose a topic with a few focus words that you focus on (the keyword and variations thereof), you choose matching images that you provide with titles and you determine the number of words. But how do you ensure that your article influences your ranking? impact articles on your rankings in google start writing Before you start writing, you first think of your topic.
You can write an article and then hope that it will rank high in Google. If it germany phone number like that, we would all be at the top of course. Your articles will have impact if you address your keyword. This means: Someone is looking for 'ways to stay cool during a heat wave'. You 'catch on to this' with 25 tips for cooling and use keywords such as heat, warmth, heat wave and coolness. A very relevant article when I'm looking for ways to stay cool. If you then dedicate more than 1,500 words to this, Google will find you even more relevant.
Google itself indicates that they would like to see long content in which you answer and/or solve many problems for the reader. This concerns articles that add value to an online discussion or issue and provide valuable information to your readers. In addition, it appears that readers stay on your page longer if your information is relevant, which also has a positive influence on your rankings. Google also looks at your bounce rate, CTR and time on page. A better visitor experience on your website ensures a higher ranking in Google.