What if something could go wrong? Are we violating certain rules? Are you sure we have the time/knowledge/tools to do this? GREEN – Sky is the limit! We describe all, even the most unusual, ideas that come to our mind. We break patterns, generate very diverse ideas, discuss them on an ongoing basis, and develop the best ones. BLUE – Most often a moderator who sets the rules of the game and monitors which perspective (hat) is being.
Discussed at a given moment. The order in which the hats are used can be modified and it is not necessary to use all of them in one meeting. It's best to test which ones work best for your group. Are you wondering how to C Level Contact List use the 6 thinking hats in your current work on, for example, a communication plan for the coming months for your brand? Below you will find a social application of this idea generation technique.

BRAINWRITING 635 Over 100 ideas in a 30-minute storm? For people who have participated in similar meetings at least once, such a result may seem unattainable - AND YET! This next type of brainstorming will work well for both single posts and larger campaigns or creative concepts. How to prepare for it? Each person takes a piece of paper and writes down 3 specific ideas on it to solve a given problem.