Other tips depend on the device your recipients prefer to read emails: For desktop users: Place a CTA to the right of the email text and images. For mobile users: Place a CTA front and center or consider the top left corner of your email, as some Android apps only show this part. Proper placement of your email's CTA button is a guarantee that all contacts will see it, regardless of their device and reading habits.
5) Add whitespace Adding white space around a CTA button in emails is a good practice: it separates it from text and other elements, creating a visual focus for readers and making the button stand out. And speaking of mobile users, white space also has a more practical function:making it easier for fingers to click. Summary When it comes to email click-through rate, every detail matters, and the design of your email CTA button is not the Country Email List least of them: its color, size, placement, and text can make all the difference in your email campaign. general marketing. Best practices here: Design it as a button, not a link or image.

Consider your brand identity, color psychology, and contrast when deciding the color and size of a button. Use short, compelling, action-oriented text for your CTA button. Choose a suitable place for it in the body of your email – make sure it looks and works well on mobile and desktop devices. Add white space to separate a CTA from other elements of your email and make it stand out.