The so-called " ugly aesthetic" the response to years of perfect photos, with exceptional light, of magical places, foods not eaten because they had to be photographed , bodies in positions so harmonious as to appear surreal. The new generations now want and take imperfect photos of an imperfect life . And they publish those that until recently would have been thrown away or forgotten in the iPhone's gigabytes. Representative image of what an SMM can learn WHAT SHOULD WE SOCIAL PROFESSIONALS LEARN FROM ALL THIS AND WHAT, ABOVE ALL, SHOULD WE MAKE OUR CUSTOMERS UNDERSTAND? In social networks, user opinion still wins. It was recently reported that Instagram admitted it had made a mistake and that it will change based on the negative feedback received. This teaches us, once again, that the user must be listened to and that he demands answers. Never save on the moderation factor , woe betide you if you fail to recognize the ability of a good Social Media.
Manager in responding to comments, testing opinions through surveys, gathering photo editing servies consensus, reacting to crises. We cannot and should not expect sparks from user-generated content. More and more customers, even listening to our post-data study directives, fill their feed with photos or videos of their products made by users in everyday life situations. Obviously, these publications can only be made with the user's prior consent, but customers often expect to receive catalog photos. Stop them. It is not the users' task to create catalog photos , nor will catalog photos create that feeling of identification and emulation that we certainly want to achieve. The desire for reality is evident the era of blue liquid to represent blood in sanitary pads, or already made-up faces that show how much coverage a foundation provides is over.

The tractors must be dirty with mud, the gyms full of people who have yet to get into shape. Your digital strategy must keep this in mind. We work with creators, the serious ones. Instagram belongs to influencers and true influencers are creators of captivating content capable of speaking to interested parties about a certain topic. Fortunately there are many valid and capable content creators and working with them is our duty above all to obtain the up-to-date content that all customers should have.