Find your prospects’ emails Far from
Sidetrade acquisition SMB (formerly iko systems):3 – being overtaken by all other modes of digital communication, e-mail retains a preponderant place in B2B (and in customer relations in general). However, finding email addresses is a real adventure that fortunately tools can simplify. For example, some can extract data from LinkedIn accounts, including email. Others search for anything they can find online to qualify the email address: Lusha: chrome extension:To find out more: find your prospects’ emails 4- Email tracking Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List tools Having email addresses is an important thing. But knowing what happens to your messages is just as essential for tracking your prospects. Tracking tools give you the ability to know if your email or your proposal was opened on a given day at a given time, and thus follow up with the prospect at the right time.
If he opens his emails once every 2 days, it is better to avoid finding two from the same company the next time he reads them. Some CRMs are natively equipped with this functionality such as Hubspot or Pipedrive. If your CRM doesn't have this option, here are some tools: Get notified:Free e-mail tracker: To go further, Tilkee tracks the openings of a document, what was viewed, as well as the time spent.