How competitive your keyword targeting is can also affect your website rankings
Unfortunately, this problem has no immediate solution. 4. Search Intent Search engines aim to provide users with the most useful and valuable content based on their searches. This is why content that does not meet search intent is not ranked. So analyze the search intent of your target keyword by looking at the first three to five URLs and comparing them to yours. Fix the content gap and resubmit your URL to Google if your content isn't up to par.5. Keyword CompetitionBusinesses often encounter this ranking problem when targeting high competition keywords with a website that has a weaker backlink profile. That's why we recommend solving this problem by shifting your keyword targeting to long-tail, low-competition Australia Phone Number Data keywords. 6. Backlink Profile As one of the most influential ranking factors, your backlink profile can affect your website's ability to rank in search results.
While your backlink profile won't prevent you from ranking, it will influence your ability to rank for keywords. Tools like Moz , Ahrefs, and Semrush all include custom metrics to assess the authority of your backlink profile. Based on their score, you can assess which keywords your business can successfully target and rank for in search results. In addition to changing your keyword targeting strategy, you can also grow your backlink profile.