Finally there is an option
Allow comments only from certain users. Or block comments from certain users. You'll find these options in Settings Privacy in the Filter Words and Comments sections. More options about comments. When you've post a video or photo you can disable comments for that post. Inside the post click on the dropdown menu and then on Disable comments. This option can be undone. And to avoid comments before posting something on the screen to add a caption click on.Advanc settings Disable comments. call Limit unwant interactions if you detect a case of harassment. With this option certain restri Phone Number List ctions will be activat for certain users who do not respect our privacy or personal space. With all these options we will make our Instagram account a little more for children or adolescents. instagram for kids Source: cev_ ( Pixabay ) Control what kind of private messages they receive.
In addition to public comments an Instagram account can receive private messages from other users. It is a way to communicate like WhatsApp or Messages. If you set up the Instagram account making it clear that it is a teenager Instagram offers certain precautionary measures by default. First. If an adult tries to message a teen who isn't following them they get a notification that they can't message that person.